Sunday, January 15, 2012

How-to: Make an Organised Anita

Hello again!
So, in my last post I said I wanted to be more organised this year... and I've mentioned that to friends and family. Also asked Simon to help me out with this. Most of my friends have laughed, and said that it won't last long. They do know me well. But I am determined to be more organised and less scatterbrained. I imagine that if I have things organised things will have a home, and therefore I will know where things are, giving the appearance of a less scatterbrained Anita.

I know that organisation is an important thing, and something I am capable of... I'm VERY organised at work. I make a time planner every shift, and extra tasks are written down. I have tick boxes and at the end of the shift I feel as though I have achieved something. I can also check to see what's next, especially if I'm starting to feel a little overwhelmed.

I have started off by looking at a few organising books, thanks Martha Stewart, and the Christchurch City Libraries. I also follow iHeart Organizing who shares different tips, and organisation projects that she and other people have done in their home. There are so many great ideas. I also stumbled on an Declutter Calendar from My Simpler Life which is a great idea, but isn't quite right for me. So, I have made my own!
I am a great fan of Google products, and own a Google Android smartphone, use Gmail, Google Calendar, Google Reader, Google Documents and Google Maps. They are all so easy to use, aesthetically clean, and fantastic for my OCD tendencies! So in trying to figure out how I wanted to do my own decluttering I realised I didn't want to have events in my calendar, with strict times for me to complete my tasks only for them to sail past and then have me feel like I've failed. Being a shift worker, setting daily tasks isn't always possible, and I really don't like knowing I should have done something that I haven't yet achieved... even though I set the task myself. That had an idea spark... Google has a task feature in Gmail! So there it is now looking at me everyday when I check my emails is my task list. Even more fantastic, I can access this on my phone.

So I am starting off by continuing to have my shifts recorded in a little diary that is always with me, on my Google Calendar, and also on the weekly planner we have on the fridge.

This weekly planner is now expanding to be a meal planner too... tonight we had homemade pita pocket pizzas... yum! (see the last post about wanting to eat healthy and cook more... this is how I'm doing it)

One of the next on the list is to learn how to use my camera well! But for now I'm off to work for a night shift.

<3 Anita

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