Thursday, March 22, 2012

Some deep thinking... o.O

Over the last little while I have been thinking, if I wasn't a nurse, what would I be doing? I have joked about running away to join the circus... I mean, how awesome would it be to be able to do aerial ninja-ing like Sarah of the Weird Sisters? Or would I be like my mum and teach littlies? Or would I be completely clueless and not know what I wanted to do? I really haven't a clue. I do know that what ever I decided to do, I would want to be happy doing it.

I want to be a good wife. A good friend. When the time comes I want to be a good mum too. Scratch that, I want to be awesome at all of those.
Sometimes I don't feel like I'm doing a good job of either being a wife or a friend. I feel like I don't see my friends enough, and aren't available enough. But how do you quantify that? I always want to do better, and they say (don't you love They?) that there is always room for improvement, always room for better.

At the moment I am striving for better, in that I am trying to take better care of myself, get myself enough sleep, eat the foods that agree with me and avoid the ones that don't (sadly that seems like a big list at times).
I also want to have more gratitude. I take so much for granted.

What are you aiming for? Are you who you want to be? What's holding you back?

<3 Anita

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